Faux Calligraphy
Faux Calligraphy Basic & Advanced – Learn How To Create Gorgeous Lettering The Easy Way
Everyone loves beautiful calligraphy. It’s easy to see beautiful lettering and think it’s too hard, but truthfully faux calligraphy is surprisingly easy
Calligraphy which is a visual art related to writing. It is an awesome hobby to adopt because it’s inexpensive, creative and can relieve stress. It can be a very handy skill too as we can use it to decorate our notebooks, to illustrate our assignments and even to add a personal touch to our rooms . Take the initial steps into the world of Calligraphy, using simple tools that you already have!
Pre requisites
1.Rules notebook/sheets,white sheet
3.black pen /sketch pen
4.coloured sketch pens
5.ANY sized paint brush ,plastic sheet(has many alternatives,will be explained in class)
*Eligible when done with Basic workshop
Pre requisites
2.black pen/sketch pen
3.plain sheets
4.watercolours/any paints
5.pencil colours /crayons
6.paint brushes ,round+flat thin (whatever available can work ,not to worry)
Course Schedule Basic
Every MondayMon-FriAUD 60
Batch starts | Day | Fee | Register |
Course Schedule Advanced
Batch starts | Day | Fee | Register |
Every Monday | Mon-Fri | AUD 60 |
Course Features
- Duration 5 Sessions (per Level)
- Activities Arts
- Class Sizes 10
- Years Old 7-15
- Available Seats 6
Faux Calligraphy Level 1
Day 1 - Introduction , Basic strokes
Day 2- Learn the art of calligraphy in LOWER CASE ALPHABETS
Day 3- Learn the art of calligraphy in UPPER CASE ALPHABETS
Day 4- Learn to write Joining letters and forming beautiful words, sentences and numbers.
Day 5- Faux water color background and the beautiful final project .
Faux Calligraphy Level 2
Day 1 - Calligraphy Flourishing
Day 2 - Banners
Day 3 - Wreaths and Doodles
Day 4 - More Fonts
Day 5 - Backgrounds